Tuesday 8 November 2011

Action Plan

Here are some bullet points I have made for my action plan for the flux brief part two..

1. Research quotes, poems, songs with history or meaning behind it.
2. Choose a quote and create further research from the topic.
3. The letterpress workshop- Write up after session.
4. Gain more experience in using the letterpress by using it in my own time.
5. Draw up compositions/ layouts.
6. Practice Kerning with text. ( useful websites to help with this as an online test.)
7. Do Several typesetting exercises.
8. Make sure the quote i have chosen is put into a context for me to enable a good way of it being understood and presented.
9. Research fonts and decide which font is going to be suitable for my work.
10. Do a few mock-up examples for developing. (hand drawn.)
11. Develop mock-up pieces by creating them on the computer. Test out variations of colour and think about size and spacing of text and how the texts shape or composition can relate to the quote.

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