Wednesday 2 November 2011

Some type work

Above is the mock-up piece of what i'm going to do as a more final piece. I am going to develop this further by using illustrator, considering composition, colour, size of text and spacing around the text.
Drawing it by hand really helped to show a rough layout and get a sense of size between the different parts of information going onto the poster. 

Here was another idea i had. I don't think it works as well though.. Even though the point is that the information is meant to be smaller and less important than the main quote, it still has the importance of putting it into context. It was difficult to then read the writing properly once written inside the letters as it was so small and words ran across letters awkwardly and then onto separate letters.

This is just some layouts i did in my sketchpad using the detail paper. It was interesting as it also helps your kerning skills by doing this exercise. It also gets you to think about the words and how they could perhaps be personified to look like movement or look like the word they are.

I quite like this layout just because its a bit different however i don't think it particularly shows too much to do with the quote and what its saying therefore i don't think it would work for my developed piece.

Here is some work i have done working up to my final part of the project. I have tried to explore the quote, change size, composition and spacing to make different layouts. I also gathered masses of information of events that happened in 1969 which was the year the quote originates from. Here are some of the examples...

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