Monday 10 October 2011

Timeline (flux presentation)

o 618AD = first printing is done in China by T’ang Dynasty using ink on carved wood blocks to transfer image on to paper
o 1241 = Koreans use movable type to create books
o 1309 = first paper made in Europe
o 1338 = France opens its first paper mill
o 1390 = Germany opens its first paper mill
o 1423 = Block printing used to print books in Europe
o 1452 = Metal plates used for printing in Europe
o 1456 = Johann Gutenberg prints the Holy Bible
o 1457 – Fust and Schoeffer create first color prints
o 1476 = William Caxton uses Gutenberg press in England
o 1495 = England opens its first paper mill
o 1501 = Italic type is first used
o 1605 = First newspaper published in Germany
o 1611 = King James Bible is printed
o 1691 = Americans open their first paper mill
o 1702 = Jakob Le Blon invents multi-color engraving in Germany
o 1800 = first iron printing presses
o 1829 = Louis Braille invents embossed (raised) printing
o 1841 = Type composing machine invented
o 1844 = Electrotyping invented
o 1846 = Richard Hoe invents cylinder press, running at 8,000 sheets/hour
o 1863 = William Bullock invents rotary web-fed press
o 1865 = Web offset press that prints on both sides of paper is invented
o 1886 = Ottmar Mergenthaler invents linotype composing machine
o 1870 = Paper is produced from wood pulp
o 1890 = First mimeograph machine
o 1892 = First 4 color rotary press
o 1960s = invention of photocopier and laser printer

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